The Netflix show, Marvel's Jessica Jones, featuring one of David Tennant's most acclaimed performances, is no longer available on the streaming service as of today. David played the mind-controlling villain Kilgrave opposite Krysten Ritter's titular Jones in Season 1 of the comic book adaptation, which premiered in 2015. He also appeared in an episode in Season 2 and made a brief voice cameo in Season 3 The series, along with the other Defenders shows Daredevil, Luke Cage, Iron Fist, The Defenders and The Punisher, were removed from Netflix as of today as streaming rights reverted back to Disney.
However, fans will be relieved to hear that all of the series have found a new streaming home on Disney+ where they will premiere on March 16th. Disney has confirmed the move to Disney+ in the US, Canada, UK, Ireland, Australia, and New Zealand earlier today, where they will join the Marvel Cinematic Universe movies and TV series such as WandaVision, The Falcon And The Winter Soldier and Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D. and the upcoming Moon Knight and She-Hulk. Updates on other regions are expected to follow.
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