VIDEO: David Tennant Narrates 'The World Made A Rainbow' For Save The Children

Bloomsbury Children’s Books and charity Save the Children have today released an animated reading of their September 2020 publication, The World Made a Rainbow, narrated David Tennant.

Inspired by the rainbows that children across the world created during lockdown and in response to Covid-19, The World Made a Rainbow by Michelle Robinson and Emily Hamilton is "a reassuring story that serves as a perfect reminder of fun, hope and togetherness in the toughest of times".

The book was first published by Bloomsbury Children’s Books as a drop-in title for September 2020, as a book with a timely message that resonates across generations. With a donation on every copy sold going to Save the Children, the book has raised  £25,000 for the charity so far.

Robinson said: "I’m so glad that the words I wrote to reassure my own loved ones have been helpful to so many others. I am delighted to have David Tennant reading the story for this special video in support of Save the Children, which I hope will get the book out to new readers and serve as a comfort in these ongoing, challenging times. I can’t wait until we’re all safely back together, making new memories, and this book becomes a piece of our shared history – a way of showing our children’s children what family life was like for many during lockdown.’

 'All rainstorms must end, and this rainstorm will too'.

Click here to buy a copy and support Save The Children.

Watch below:
