David Tennant has been named as part of the cast for a new animated series inspired by the 2017 action survival video game Ark: Survival Evolved. The star studded cast, also includes Vin Diesel, Russell Crowe, Gerard Butler, Michelle Yeoh and Jefrey Wright, and was announced on Thursday evening during The Game Awards, hosted by Geoff Keighley.
Studio Wildcard’s video game Ark: Survival Evolved follows players as they seek to survive on a stranded island inhabited by dinosaurs and other prehistoric animals, natural hazards and other dangerous humans. The trailer for the new series shows a survivor riding on a dinosaur as she feuds against another human in the prehistoric jungles of the stranded island.
David will also provide the voice of the villainous Sir Edmund Rockwell in ARK: Genesis Part 2, the next Expansion Pack for the open-world multi-platform game, ARK: Survival Evolved which will available from March 2021.
Ark: The Animated Series is set to premiere in 2022.The ARK universe is expanding at #TheGameAwards. Check out the trailer for ARK: The Animated Series, an origin story based on @survivetheark's dinosaur survival adventure! 🦖 #ARKAnimated pic.twitter.com/NN7ydPOu4f
— The Game Awards (@thegameawards) December 11, 2020
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