ITV's gripping true crime drama Des, starring David Tennant as UK serial killer Dennis Nilsen, launches on Virgin Media One in Ireland next month. The three-part series begins on Monday 5th October from 10.00pm. The episode is followed at 11.00pm by the documentary The Real 'Des': The Dennis Nilsen Story, which is narrated by David Tennant.
David Tennant stars as notorious serial killer Dennis
Nilsen in the series based on Brian Masters’ book Killing For Company. In February
1983, Detective Chief Inspector Peter Jay is called to a house in Cranley
Gardens, North London, where he discovers the drains clogged with rotting human
flesh. But the extent of this grisly discovery only becomes apparent when the
culprit returns from work and a search of his flat is undertaken. Dennis ‘Des’
Nilsen, apparently an ordinary civil servant, shows officers further human
remains stashed around his home and freely admits to the police that it's not
just one or two bodies, but as many as 15 or 16. As the police try to secure a
conviction and identify the victims from scant DNA evidence, biographer Brian
Masters attempts to understand why. A game of chess with Des begins, and while
Brian may be exhilarated by his newest subject, he's unaware what this new
obsession could do to his life. Des also stars Daniel Mays, Jason
Watkins and Barry Ward.
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