The next live Doctor Who Lockdown tweetalong is tonight with an international rewatch of the Season 3 two parter Human Nature and The Family Of Blood.
From 7pm BST, fans all over the world will start to watch the episodes via BBC iPlayer, Netflix, Amazon, other local streaming or rental services or even their own DVD or digital copies.
IT’S #DOCTOROFMINE DAY!— Emily Cook (@Emily_Rosina) April 24, 2020
6pm SHADOW OF A DOUBT (new intro to the story by Paul Cornell)
8:45pm THE SHDOW IN THE MIRROR (more new material!)
Live tweets from @Paul_Cornell, Charles Palmer @LockdownWho & Daughter of Mine @lozerrs 🎈
The live tweeting will be led by writer Paul Cornell and director Charles Palmer.
All you have to do is be ready to start watching and tweeting with other fans from 7pm BST. And if you're planning to join in, don't forget to use the hashtag #DoctorOfMine.
Human Nature
It's 1913 in England, and an ordinary schoolteacher called John Smith dreams of adventures in time and space and a mysterious blue box, as Russell T Davies's Doctor Who continues. But, when lights in the sky herald the arrival of something strange and terrible, Smith's maid, Martha, has to convince him that he alone can save the world.
The Family Of Blood
It's 1913 in England and war has come a year in advance as the terrifying Family hunt for the Doctor. But, while John Smith refuses to accept his destiny as a Time Lord, the women in his life, Martha and Joan, have to take terrible measures to save the whole of history.
The Doctor Who Lockdown Live Tweet events are the brainchild of Doctor Who magazine's Emily Cook follow her on twitter here for updates on future Doctor Who Watchalongs. Emily is also fundraising for the COVID-19 Film and TV Emergency Relief Fund. Set up by the BFI and The Film and TV Charity, this fund will help support the creative community which has been devastated by the Coronavirus pandemic you can donate via JustGiving here.
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