David Tennant stars as adventuring billionaire Scrooge McDuck in the reboot of the classic 1980s animated series. Co-starring Danny Pudi, Ben Schwartz and Bobby Moynihan as mischievous triplets Huey, Dewey and Louie, Kate Micucci as their fearless friend Webby, Tony Anselmo as Donald Duck, Toks Olagundoye as faithful housekeeper Mrs Beakley and Beck Bennett as inept pilot Launchpad McQuack, the series sees the Duck family embarking on globe-trotting adventures and treasure hunts, and uncovering family secrets along the way.
DuckTales “Happy Birthday, Doofus Drake!”
(3:00-3:30 P.M. EDT)
Louie teams with Goldie to scam their way through Doofus' dangerous party; Huey pushes himself out of his comfort zone in his favorite online game.
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