Metro in the UK has released a trio of exclusive new images of David Tennant in Netflix's new police procedural drama Criminal. The innovative series is set across the UK, France, Spain and Germany with three 45-minute episodes set in each country. With the drama taking place within the confines of a police interview suite, the stripped-down, cat-and-mouse drama focuses on the intense mental conflict between the police officer and their suspect.
David stars in the first of the UK episodes as Dr Edgar Fallon, a stepfather accused of raping and murdering his teenage stepdaughter. The regular cast in the UK includes Katherine Kelly, Lee Ingleby and Nicholas Pinnock, with other UK suspects played by Hayley Atwell and Youssef Kerkour. All The episodes of Criminal are all in the local language, with writing and directing talent from the individual territories taking charge of the episodes from their countries, setting up an innovative production model.
The series will drop
worldwide tomorrow, Friday 20th September.
Check out the original article in Metro here.
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