The acclaimed BBC drama United starring David Tennant and Jack O'Connell will be added to US streaming service Acorn TV today. Based on the story of Manchester United’s “Busby Babes” in the aftermath of the 1958 Munich air disaster that claimed eight members of the squad, United stars David as the team's assistant manager Jimmy Murphy and Jack O’Connell as rising star player Bobby Charlton. Sam Claflin, Dougray Scott and Neil Dudgeon co-star. The drama was written by Broadchurch and Doctor Who showrunner Chris Chibnall and directed by James Strong.
Acorn TV is a US subscription streaming service that offers world-class mysteries, dramas, comedies, and documentaries from the UK, Ireland and Australia and beyond, all commercial-free, as well as Acorn TV Originals. The service is currently available on Roku, Amazon Fire TV and Fire TV Stick, Apple TV (tvOS version), iPhone/iPad, Android mobile and tablets, Chromecast, and on laptops, desktops, and tablets via browser.
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Watch some on set interviews with the cast below:
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