A brand new to the UK episode of the animated series DuckTales airs on Disney XD today as the second series kicks off with the episode The Most Dangerous Game...Night!
The rebooted 1980s show stars David Tennant in the iconic role of Scrooge McDuck, with Danny Pudi, Ben Schwartz and Bobby Moynihan voicing the mischievous triplets Huey, Dewey and Louie. The cast also includes Kate Micucci as Webby, Toks Olagundoye as Mrs Beakley, Beck Bennett as Launchpad McQuack and Tony Anselmo as Donald Duck.
In today's episode a game night is anything but relaxing as the family faces shrink rays, a barbaric civilization and an unhealthy level of competitiveness.
The Most Dangerous Game...Night! premieres at 5.30pm on Disney XD.
Series 2 continues for the rest of the week with a new episode every day at 5.30pm.
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