The five part comedy drama series There She Does is being added to BritBox, the US streaming service operated by ITV and BBC Studios. The BBC Four show starred David Tennant and Jessica Hynes as the parents of a severely disabled girl. There She Goes is based on the real life experiences of series creator Shaun Pye and his wife whose daughter was born with an as yet undiagnosed chromasomal disorder. The series originally aired in the UK in October and November 2018.
Check out some tweets from the event here:
#ThereSheGoes stars David Tennant as the dad in a family w/ a daughter who has learning disabilities. It feels honest, frustrating, heartbreaking. We have Tennant and HIS AMAZING BEARD via satellite #TCA19— #EweNetflix (@Hanhonymous) February 9, 2019
In his new show #ThereSheGoes, he plays a dad who is failing at being a good dad to his daughter Rose, who has a learning disability. "Because it's so honest, it becomes a universal story of what parenting is," David Tennant explains. #TCA19 #BritBox— Alicia Lutes (@alicialutes) February 9, 2019
"We all fall short," Tennant says, explaining how There She Goes highlights the gulf between the parents people would like to be and how they are — and that's what attracted him to the story. #TCA19— Meghan O’Keefe (@megsokay) February 9, 2019
There She Goes creator Shaun Pye didn’t want to sugar coat the experiences of raising a disabled child, but he also wanted to show the joy his daughter Joey brings to his life. “Look how wonderful life can be.” #TCA19— Meghan O’Keefe (@megsokay) February 9, 2019
Shaun Pye says his daughter Joey loves watching young actress Miley Locke's portrayal of herself on There She Goes, and she ignores all the adult stuff - including meeting David Tennant on set. "She's a fan." #TCA19— Meghan O’Keefe (@megsokay) February 9, 2019
The series of 5 eps was shot in 4 weeks, so star #DavidTennant says they all had to get pretty intimate pretty quickly, and the work of Miley Locke who plays Rosie, was a really important part of how easy they were able to fall into place. #ThereSheGoes #TCA19 @BritBox_US— Valerie Parker (@ValerieAtAccent) February 9, 2019
There She Goes will be available to stream in the USA and Canada via BritBox from April.Asked about his takeaways from #ThereSheGoes, #DavidTennant says he found himself asking, "What would I do? How would I react?" because this isn't the romanticized notion of parenting. @BritBox_US #BritBox #TCA19— The TCA (@OfficialTCA) February 9, 2019
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Readers in the UK can still stream the whole series via BBC iPlayer here.
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