Season One of the critically acclaimed sci-fi show Final Space is now available to stream exclusively in the USA on VRV. The animated series is created by Olan Rogers, who stars both as spaceman Gary and his alien friend Mooncake. David Tennant voices the evil Lord Commander, who is on the hunt for Mooncake because of the awesome planet-destroying power the outwardly cute little guy possesses. Other cast members include Tike Sumpter, Coty Galloway, Steven Yeun, Conan O'Brien, Tom Kenny and Fred Armisen.
VRV is a fandom-friendly platform, gathering together channels, events and communities focusing on animation, sci-fi, fantasy, anime, gaming and tech. The first 4 episodes of Final Space are available to stream now, with the remaining six to be added one per week on Wednesdays.
To sign up to VRV click here. Outside the USA, Final Space is currently available to stream via Netflix. US fans can also catch Season One repeats on Monday nights on TBS.
A second season of Final Space is currently in production with a planned premiere on TBS in 2019.
Olan Rogers said of the launch on VRV: "With Final Space, we created a show that pairs genuine emotion and real stakes with comedy and premium animation, making it a perfect fit for VRV. We hope VRV’s community loves the series and catches up on all the action before season 2 premieres next year."
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