VIDEO: Watch David Tennant's Panel From FACTS Fan Convention In Belgium

David Tennant took part in a 45-minute Q&A panel before his fans at FACTS Fan Convention in Belgium yesterday. As well as showing off his French language skills, David answered questions from the audience covering his life and work.

On the heritage of Doctor Who
"There's very few people who get annoyed by Doctor Who or don't like Doctor's a very nice thing to be involved with."

On his priorities
"The thing that really changes your vision of life is probably having kids. That alters everything that you're about...everything that you do in life you do for a different reason. That's quite life changing."

On characters he has yet to play
"Until a script arrives that written well by somebody brilliant you can't really imagine what that might be...A character's so many different things, it's all to do with the writing."

On Good Omens
"I knew some of Terry Pratchett's work and I knew some of Neil Gaiman's work. I'm ashamed that I didn't know this novel. And I don't know how I didn't...I realise now it's an extraordinary piece of writing, so I feel incredibly fortunate that it came my way. I'm aware that we have a responsibility to get it right and I hope that we will."

On John Barrowman
"Did any one see John earlier? He's very shy!"

On playing female parts in Shakespeare
"I think now is not the moment for men to be taking away women's parts...I wouldn't dare!"

David also revealed a bit of news that may delight fans of Doctor Who, saying,"I was working with Catherine [Tate] just yesterday." Catherine Tate revealed a few weeks ago that she and David would be returning to record a new set of Doctor Who audio adventures for Big Finish in September. 

Watch the panel here:
