The Academy Award-nominated animated movie Ferdinand will premiere on The Movie Network in Canada starting next month. From Blue Sky Studios and directed by Carlos Saldanha, Ferdinand tells the story of a gigantic bull with a big heart on a mission to prove that he's not dangerous. John Cena stars in the title role with David Tennant providing the voice of Angus, a Highland bull. Ferdinand premieres on The Movie Network on Monday 6th August from 5.10pm ET.
A bull's peaceful existence comes crashing down when
authorities return him to his former captors. With help from a wisecracking
goat and three hedgehogs, the giant but gentle bovine must find a way to escape
before he meets a bullfighter.
Ferdinand also features the voices of Kate McKinnon, Peyton Manning, Gina Rodriguez, Daveed Diggs, Anthony Anderson, Gabriel Iglesias and Sally Phillips. The movie was originally released in cinemas on 15th December 2017.
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