The tenth and final episode of animated sci-fi series Final Space premieres tonight on TBS in the USA. Created by and starring Olan Rogers, the show also features David Tennant voicing the role of the evil Lord Commander with Tika Sumpter as Quinn, Fred Armisen as KVN and Steven Yeun as Little Cato.
The series centres on astronaut Gary, and his alien sidekick Mooncake, who are travelling the universe together trying to unlock the secret of 'Final Space'. However, Mooncake is an awesome planet-destroying weapon and the Lord Commander will stop at nothing to track him down. In tonight's episode, an all-out battle ensues as The Lord Commander does everything in his power to capture Mooncake and stop Gary and Quinn from closing the entrance to Final Space.
If you've been following the series, you'll probably be delighted to learn that TBS have now ordered a second season. The first season has been a huge hit for TBS who have used its younger demographic to experiment with different interactive viewing platforms and an augmented reality platform to bring the characters to life. Final Space reached audiences of 20 million across all viewing platforms.
Whether David Tennant will return for Season Two, of course, depends on the fate of the Lord Commander in tonight's episode, which you can watch on TBS from 10.30/9.30c. And if you've missed the whole thing, US viewers can catch up via the TBS website.
Watch a preview clip from episode 10 below:
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