INTERVIEW: David Tennant - "I’m An Optimist Because Otherwise There’s No Way Forward"

David Tennant was interviewed for the Observer Magazine this weekend and shared his thoughts on morality, media and making films with his wife. You can read some of his quotes below:

On his reputation for kindness: 
"A good friend once told me: 'You’re not as nice as you think you are.' I was stunned because it seemed quite harsh at the time, but she was actually right…Niceness isn’t always a virtue, it can be quite limiting."

On anxiety:
"I am a worrier, but I’m quite good at shielding it from the outside world. I think I surprise people, apart from those closest to me, when they find out I’m quite an anxious person."

On religion:
"Organised religion gave me a good moral compass. Dad was a Church of Scotland minister and Mum was every inch the minister’s wife. They were both good people who had respect for others. They’re gone now, but I still feel them sitting on my shoulder, reminding me to be better."

On the current state of the world:
"I’m an optimist because otherwise there’s no way forward. We’re in some very dark days and one can only hope that the pendulum’s about to swing back."

On the impact of social media:
"On the news, I hate it when they read out people’s comments. A perfectly balanced news report becomes unbalanced by keyboard warrior Jamie from Chester spewing out his ill-educated nonsense, which is read out by a news presenter as if it’s factual."

On making his new film:
"I love working with my wife. She was the boss on the set of You, Me & Him, and I think she’s my boss anyway, so it wasn’t noticeably different from everyday life."

You, Me  And Him is released in cinemas nationwide from 112th April. For screening information please visit the film's official website
