The premiere of Olan Rogers' new animated series Final Space airs on TBS in the USA tonight from 10.30pm ET. The new comedy sci-fi show is the creation of actor, comedian and filmmaker Rogers, who leads an all-star cast as astronaut Gary Space. David Tennant co-stars in the role of the Lord Commander alongside fellow cast members Conan O'Brien, Steven Yuen, Gina Torres, Ron Perlman and Tom Kenny.
Final Space
The TBS original series follows astronaut Gary Space and his adorable little alien friend Mooncake as they travel to find the end of the universe. However. Gary is not aware of Mooncake's awesome planet-destroying abilities, which has made him the subject of a hunt led by the evil Lord Commander, who wants to harness Mooncake's power for himself.
Watch tonight from 10.30/9.30c on TBS
Check out the official trailer below:
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