USA: Mad To Be Normal Starring David Tennant Screens In Florida Today & Tomorrow

Mad To Be Normal, the UK movie based on the life of the revolutionary Scottish psychologist RD Laing, will screen in Naples, Florida today as part of the Naples International Film Festival. The film, starring David Tennant and Emmy-award winner Elisabeth Moss, will screen at the Silverspot Cinema Screen 11 at 12.45pm. A second screening will take place tomorrow at the same venue at 6.00pm.

Click here for more information and to buy tickets

Mad To Be Normal
David Tennant stars as R.D. Laing, the famous psychiatrist and one of Scotland’s greatest ever minds. Working out of Kingsley Hall in East London throughout the 1960s and 1970s, Laing performed various daring experiments on people who were diagnosed as mentally disturbed. His revolutionary methods involved experimenting with LSD on his patients and practicing a form of self-healing known as metanoia. His methods caused outrage and controversy in the conservative medical profession but ultimately led to radical changes in attitudes and perceptions of mental health around the world.

Mad To Be Normal was written and directed by Robert Mullan and also stars Gabriel Byrne, Michael Gambon, Olivia Poulet and David Bamber. The film premiered in the USA earlier this year as part of the Newport Beach Film Festival.

The film is due to be released on VoD in the USA in February 2018 following a theatrical release.

The Naples International Film Festival is hosted by Artis-Naples, the premier centre for the performing and visual arts in Southwest Florida and runs between October 26-29.
