The fifth episode of series 3 of the award-winning sitcom W1A airs on BBC Two tonight from 10pm. David Tennant narrates the spoof documentary which follows the attempts of a fictional team of BBC executives to steer the iconic organisation through the stormy waters of charter renewal. The series stars Hugh Bonneville, Jessica Hynes, Sarah Parish, Nina Sosanya, Jason Watkins, Hugh Skinner and Monica Dolan and was written and directed by John Morton. Guest appearances this wee are from Claudia Winkleman and Hugh Grant.
Series 3, Episode 5
BBC Two, 10.00pm
The renewal group led by head of values Ian Fletcher has to
respond to rumours that Strictly Come Dancing presenter Claudia Winkleman is
about to leave the BBC for a rival broadcaster. Is there a way ofpreventing
this happening? When they offer a hosting job on On Your Bike, a new interview
format, it looks like they might have found a solution.
Meanwhile ex-intern Will's attempts to get a celebrity face
to help launch BBC Me, the new online platform, have come back to bite him and
the BBC. The celebrity in question thought they were being asked to pose for a
selfie and didn't realise they were being used to endorse a viral campaign and
consequently the BBC finds itself on the receiving end of a million-pound
lawsuit. Will's job looks to be in serious danger.
With the charter renewal process requiring the BBC to show
they can do more for less, head of news Neil Reid is asked to see whether his
main news presenters would consider doubling up and presenting the weather
forecast as well. And in a landscape where leaving parties are becoming
increasingly frequent, Ben and Jerry discover that their jobs have been
're-imagined as non-existing going forward'.
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