PHOTOS: David Tennant Meets His Fans At Awesome Con

David Tennant is a guest at Awesome Con in Washington D.C  this weekend where he is taking part in an number of photo ops alongside his fans. Also joining in the fun is David's Doctor Who co-stars Catherine Tate and John Barrowman.

Many thanks to all of the fans pictured below who have kindly shared their wonderful photos with us.
If you've had your photo taken with David this weekend and would like to share it, please upload it to our Facebook page here or tweet us @davidtennantcom 

 Katie Parker

 Ashley Quinn

 Angel Durham

 Jay Garver

  Chris Kaatz

 Andrea Renee Elaine Adkins

 Desiree Erika

 Angel Durham

 Chris Kaatz

 Josey Linthicum

 Sara Snider

 Alison Holt

 Sara Snider

 Michael Strickland

 Angel Durham

 Mamie Diemer

 Lori Alexander Gragg

 Kisha Wellman

 Caitlin Brubaker

 Kourtney Riley

 Melissa Mjb

 Melissa Mjb

 Rebecca Whitehurst 

 Christy Leake

 Kara Lapkoff

 Lori Alexander Gragg

Rebecca Whitehurst

Vanessa Wood
