COMIC PREVIEW: New From Doctor Who Titan Comics This Month - The Tenth Doctor Issue 3.3

The Tenth Doctor's comic book travels continue with the release of the first installment of the Year 3 adventure, Sharper Than A Serpent's Tooth. The officially licensed ongoing series follows the Tenth Doctor, as played onscreen by David Tennant, and his new companions, New Yorkers Gabby Gonzalez and Cindy Wu. And, this season, a new companion joins the TARDIS - the like of which you've never seen!
Released on 15th March The Tenth Doctor Issue 3.3 can be purchased directly from the Titan Comics website or in digital form from ComiXology

Check out some covers and artwork below:

COVER A: Iolanda Zanfardino
COVER C: Papercraft variant 
COVER D: Arianna Florean 

PLUS! Coming 7th March 2017 is the omnibus version 2016's Doctor Who Event...

For the Cybermen's 50th Anniversary... YOU WILL BE DELETED! This incredible one-off event brings multiple Doctors battling through time to fight the unstoppable Cybermen!
Exiled from Gallifrey at the very end of Time, Rassilon, fallen leader of the Time Lords, has been captured by the last of the Cybermen. Now the Cybermen have access to time travel. With it, every defeat is now a victory. Every foe is now dead -- or Cyberised. 
The Legions march across time and space, leaving devastation and converted civilisations in their wake, their numbers growing with every world that falls. Evolving. Upgrading. Reconfiguring. All seems lost. Forever.
Can the Ninth, Tenth, Eleventh and Twelfth Doctors - each battling the Cybermen alone, on a different temporal front - undo the damage that has been wrought on the universe, before they are converted themselves? Or is this how the universe dies? Not in fire, but in cold, unfeeling metal...
