David Tennant, the narrator of two innovative new relaxation films aimed at cats and dogs, has also narrated a short behind-the-scenes look at the making of the videos. UK insurance company MORETH<N commissioned the films with the aim of keeping family pets calm around fireworks and loud noises, with the launch timed to coincide with Bonfire Night on November 5th.
Pet behaviourist Karen Wild and vet Robert White-Adams talk about the science behind the project, and we get to see the reaction of furry focus group members Elron and Chipi. Watch here:
The two films - Peer Window for cats and Woofering Heights for dogs - feature scientifically selected sounds, movements, images and colours and a soothing voiceover from David. They loop several times to promote feelings of calm in cats and dogs and are designed to be played several times to pets suffering from noise phobia to combat nervousness and stress.
If you haven't seen the videos yet you can watch them here.
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