Titan Comics have unveiled the selection of covers that will grace the first issue of Year 3 of the ongoing comic book series Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor. The officially licensed series follows the adventures of the Tenth Doctor, as portrayed onscreen by David Tennant, and his comic book companions, New Yorkers Gabby Gonzalez and Cindy Wu, in the period after the climax of Journey's End.
Writer: Nick Abadzis
Artists: Giorgia Sposito, Arianna Florean
It's a brand-new season for the Tenth Doctor and his loyal travelling companions, Gabby Gonzalez and Cindy Wu! Jump on board with a two-part opening story - 'Breakfast at Tyrannies' that introduces a whole new terror to test the Doctor and his friends! Plus: a new companion joins the TARDIS - the like of which you've never seen!
Check out the six variant covers below:
Writer: Nick Abadzis
Artists: Giorgia Sposito, Arianna Florean
It's a brand-new season for the Tenth Doctor and his loyal travelling companions, Gabby Gonzalez and Cindy Wu! Jump on board with a two-part opening story - 'Breakfast at Tyrannies' that introduces a whole new terror to test the Doctor and his friends! Plus: a new companion joins the TARDIS - the like of which you've never seen!
Check out the six variant covers below:
COVER A: Josh Burns
COVER B: Photo
COVER C: Marc Ellerby
COVER D: Iolanda Zanfardino
COVER E: Brian Miller & Hi-Fi
COVER F: Elena Casagrande
Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor Year 3 #1 will be available from comic stores, from www.titan-comics.com and in digital form from www.comixology.com from 4th January 2017.
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