The 2014 animated film Postman Pat: The Movie has its UK terrestrial premiere on Channel 4 on Monday 2nd May. The film, featuring the perennial children's favourite, has previously aired on Sky and has been available via Netflix in the UK.
David Tennant plays the devious talent agent Wilf in the kids' feature that sees Greendale's finest delivery man venturing into the glittering world of the TV talent show in order to win a holiday for his wife. But while his back is turned, his beloved job comes under threat when a new boss tries to replace him with a team of robots. Can Pat - with a little help from Jess the Cat - put things back to normal? Stephen Mangan voices Pat with Rupert Grint and Jim Broadbent among the cast, while Ronan Keating provides Pat's singing voice.
Watch Postman Pat: The Movie on Channel 4 on Monday 2nd May from 9.55am BST
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