David Tennant stars as the Fugitoid in a new episode of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles on Nickelodeon in the USA today. The new episode, The Cosmic Ocean, sees the half-shell heroes continue their quest through space and time to prevent the evil Triceratons from destroying Earth.
David's character is a cyborg housing the brain of the renegade scientist Professor Zayton Honeycutt, whose body was destroyed following an attempt on his life. He joined the series in the closing minutes of season three and has been part of the regular member of the voice cast through all of season four so far. The Fugitoid has acted as the Turtles' mentor and protector this season in the absence of Master Splinter.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Season 4, Episode 9 - The Cosmic Ocean
Nickelodeon, 11.00am ET/PT
The Turtles journey through the cosmic ocean of
The episode also sees the return of Ron Perlman in the guest role of bounty hunter Armaggon.
Watch a clip here (US only)
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