The second season of Broadchurch continues on MTV3 in Finland tonight with the premiere of Episode 6. David Tennant and Olivia Colman lead the ensemble cast that includes Arthur Darvill, Eve Myles, James D'Arcy, Charlotte Rampling and Jodie Whittaker. The award-winning UK crime drama is set in a small coastal town in England which was devastated after the murder of a local boy by one of its residents.
In tonight's episode, Tom (Adam Wilson) takes to the witness stand to support his father, to the horror of Ellie (Olivia Colman). Alec (David Tennant) informs Claire (Eve Myles) that he will no longer protect her, but he has more important things on his mind as the date for his operation has arrived. Then Ellie has a conversation with Claire and discovers a clue that could change the whole direction of the Sandbrook enquiry.
Kausi 2, 6/8
MTV3, 21.00
Tomin esiintyminen todistajanaitiossa käynnistää yllättävän
tapahtumaketjun, kun hänen salatapaamisensa Markin kanssa paljastuvat.
Valheisiin kyllästynyt Alec ilmoittaa Clairelle, ettei enää suostu suojelemaan
tätä. Sillä välin kun Alec toipuu sydämentahdistimen asennuksesta ex-vaimonsa
hoivissa, Ellie jututtaa Clairea ja löytää uuden todisteen.
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