DENMARK: Broadchurch Season 2 Episode 3 Premieres On TV2 Tonight

The second season of the award-winning UK drama Broadchurch continues in Denmark tonight with the premiere of episode 3 on TV2 at 20.50. David Tennant and Olivia Colman are back as detectives Alec Hardy and Ellie Miller, now trying to unravel the mystery of the murder of a young girl and the disappearance of her cousin.

In tonight's episode, Hardy faces a race against time while life for Mark and Beth Latimer changes forever. Ellie uncovers some surprising new evidence meaning that the detectives must change their approach to the case. But before that Ellie has to answer some awkward questions in court.

Broadchurch - Sæson 2
Afsnit 3 - 20:50, TV2
Alec kæmper mod tiden, da Ellie opdager et overraskende nyt bevis, som tvinger dem til at overveje deres mistanke en ekstra gang. Samtidig er forældreparret Mark og Beths tilværelse på vej til at ændre sig for evigt, og Ellie kommer under stærkt pres fra alle sider - ikke mindst, da hun skal forklare sit forhold til Alec i retten.
