TITAN Comics Tenth Doctor Issue 10 Published Today

Today ​sees the release of Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor #10 - written by Robbie Morrison (Drowntown, Nikolai Dante) and art by Eleonora Carlini. 

Gabby and the Doctor are back in New York after a terrifying excursion into the past, catching up with family and friends... until THE ECHO strikes, amplifying everyday noise into ear-shattering, mind-splinteringly debilitating waves of sound. What is the Echo – and can the Doctor and Gabby solve the mystery before the cacophany drives the city mad?

Check out some previews of the artwork from the issue below:

Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor #10 is available through comic book stores in the USA, Canada, New Zealand and Australia and in limited quantities in the UK and Europe.

For online purchases visit the Titan Comics website.
