The heartwarming UK comedy What We Did On Our Holiday opens in cinemas in India on Friday 5th June. David Tennant and Rosamund Pike star as a feuding married couple who have to put their differences apart to travel to Scotland with their children to take part in a family celebration. The film is written and directed by Guy Jenkin and Andy Hamilton and also stars Billie Connolly and Ben Miller.
The film is distributed in the Indian subcontinent by SGN Mediaworks.
What We Did On Our Holiday
Doug and Abi are taking their three children on a trip to
Scotland for a big family gathering. They are in the midst of a difficult
divorce, and have asked the kids to keep it a secret from their extended
family. But as the inevitable feuds kick in, a completely unexpected turn of
events involving the children causes further tensions to rise to the surface.
And with the repercussions that ensue - hilarious and emotional in equal
measure - the family are forced to put aside their differences and work together
or else risk losing what they hold most dear. From the creators of the hit BBC
comedy series Outnumbered - WHAT WE DID ON OUR HOLIDAY is a heart-warming,
uplifting comedy for all the family.
Watch the trailer here:
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