The third part of the original series of the award winning UK drama Broadchurch premieres on ZDF in Germany tonight from 22.00. The double length episode, comprising of episodes 5 and 6 of the drama as originally broadcast stars David Tennant and Olivia Colman as Detectives Alec Hardy and Ellie Miller, who are assigned to hunting down the killer of a young boy in a small town on the English coast.
Staffel 1, Folge 3/4
22.00, ZDF
Dannys Vater Mark ist außer Verdacht. Im Fokus steht
stattdessen der Kioskbesitzer Jack Marshall, der den Ermittlern eine
Gefängnisstrafe verschwiegen hat. Alec und Ellie verhaften ihn. Nun spricht ein ehemaliges Mitglied seiner Pfadfindergruppe
böse über ihn. Zu Jacks Verderben hat sich die überregionale
Sensationspresse auf ihn eingeschossen. Die ganze Stadt macht Front gegen ihn,
und eine Horde Männer bedroht ihn.
Die nächste Verdächtige ist die Einzelgängerin Susan Wright.
In ihrem Wohnwagen finden die Ermittler Dannys Skateboard.
Season 1, Episode 3/4
22.00, ZDF
Danny's father Mark is freed from suspicion. The focus instead
falls on kiosk owner Jack Marshall, who the detectives discover has concealed a prison sentence.
Alec and Ellie arrest him. Now a former member of his youth troop speaks out negatively against him. The national tabloid press has zeroed in
on Jack's ruin. The whole town makes a stand against him, and a horde of men threaten him.
The latest suspect is the loner Susan Wright. In her trailer,
police find she has hidden Danny's skateboard.
The episode is repeated later on at 00.50
Broadchurch concludes next Sunday at the same time.
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