GERMANY: Broadchurch Season 1 Continues On ZDF Tonight

The original series of Broadchurch continues its premiere run on ZDF in Germany tonight. David Tennant and Olivia Colman star as police detectives Alec Hardy and Ellie Miller who are on the trail on the killer of a local boy in a small coastal town in England. Tonight's double episode, the second of four, covers episodes 3 and 4 of the award-winning drama as originally broadcast in the UK.

Folge 2/4
ZDF – 22.00
Die Suche nach Dannys Mörder wird zum schmerzhaften Prozess sowohl für die Ermittler als auch für die Einwohner, denen ihre wohlgehüteten Geheimnisse entrissen werden.

Episode 2/4
ZDF – 22.00

The search for Danny's killer is a painful process both for the investigators and for the community, where well-kept secrets are torn out.

Watch a trailer here.

The episode is repeated later on at 00.20
