Elisabeth Moss Praises David Tennant and Olivia Colman

Actress Elisabeth Moss has told The Independent that ITV drama Broadchurch is one of her “favourite shows in the entire world”
Using lead actress Olivia Colman's character Ellie Miller as an example of a great role for an actress, she says:
"You could never just have David Tennant in that now. You have to have a great female lead.” and whilst she is full of admiration for Olivia she giggles “I would totally just watch the David Tennant version.”
And it's great news that Elisabeth is such a fan of David as the pair will be starring together in the upcoming biopic of R.D Laing, "Metanoia"
David has already spoken highly of The West Wing star saying "the presence of the brilliant Elisabeth Moss makes this something I cannot wait to start work on."

You can read more about Metanoia here.
And read Elisabeth's full interview with The Independent here.
