Coming Soon From Titan Comics: Special 5-Part Weekly Doctor Who Summer Event

Three Doctors, three companions, one action-packed mystery!

Titan Comics have announced a 5-part weekly comic event starring the Tenth, Eleventh and Twelfth Doctors as portrayed onscreen by David Tennant, Matt Smith and Peter Capaldi. The series will be written by Doctor Who series writer Paul Cornell and illustrated by Neil Edwards, comic artist for Marvel and DC among many others.

The weekly event, running through August and September 2015, in place of the ongoing series, features all three Doctors from Titan's regular ongoings and their comics companions. This epic event is the thrilling next chapter in Titan Comics' bombastic Doctor Who publishing saga. The story follows straight on from the issue #15 conclusions of Year One, with the second years of the Tenth, Eleventh and Twelfth Doctors beginning after the event's blistering finale!

The first issue releases Wednesday August 12, supported by the global Doctor Who Comics Day on Saturday August 15!

Creative team:
Writer Paul Cornell is best known to Doctor Who fans as the writer of the Hugo-nominated episodes Father's Day and Human Nature/Family Of Blood. He has also written classic Doctor Who novels and Big Finish audio plays, successful comic book runs on titles such as Wolverine, Action Comics, Demon Knights, and Captain Britain and MI:13 and in his own Shadow Police novel series, London Falling and The Severed Streets.

Artist Neil Edwards has worked regularly on the Fantastic Four, Avengers and Storm series for Marvel, plus Justice League Unlimited and Vampire Diaries for DC, Doctor Spektor for Dynamite Entertainment and Shadowman for Valiant.

To keep up to date with this special Doctor Who comics ​event follow Titan Comics on Twitter at @ComicsTitan or connect with Titan Comics on Facebook and Tumblr.

You can also keep up to date with all the Tenth Doctor Titan Comics releases on our website.
