Ten-part crime series Gracepoint starring David Tennant and Anna Gunn follows its emotionally devastating opener on ITV Encore next week. David plays Emmett Carver, an American detective on the hunt for a young boy’s killer in the US remake of ITV’s own series Broadchurch.
Gracepoint – Episode 2
ITV Encore
Wednesday 8th
April, 10pm BST
Danny's family is in mourning. The detectives find
disturbing evidence in sister Chloe's room. Mark Solano gets caught in his own
Cast includes: David Tennant (Emmett Carver); Anna Gunn
(Ellie Miller); Michael Peña (Mark Solano); Virginia Kull (Beth Solano); Madalyn
Horcher (Chloe Miller); Jack Irvine (Tom Miller); Josh Hamilton (Joe Miller);
Kevin Rankin (Paul Coates); Nick Nolte (Jack Reinhold); Jacki Weaver (Susan
Wright); Kendrick Sampson (Dean Iverson); Sarah-Jane Potts (Gemma Fisher)
Watch a clip here:
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