BELGIUM: Episode 9 Of Gracepoint Premieres On Eén Tonight

The investigation is winding down as episode 9 of Gracepoint premieres on Eén in Belgium tonight from 23:10. David Tennant stars in the American remake of the UK's acclaimed drama Broadchurch, reprising his role as the police detective leading the hunt for the killer of a young boy in a small seaside town. Anna Gunn, Michael Peña and Josh Hamilton co-star.

Gracepoint – Episode 9
Eén, 23:10
De hartproblemen van Carver zijn verergerd. Hij heeft nog 24 uur voor zijn baas hem van de zaak haalt. Het wordt een race tegen de klok voor Miller en hem. Beth vraagt Paul Coates om raad en Susan Wright verklapt een geheim dat iedereen omverblaast.

Carver's heart problems are exacerbated. He is granted just 24 hours more by his boss to wind up the case. It is a race against time for him and Miller. Beth asks Paul Coates for advice and Susan Wright reveals a secret that blows everything up.

The series concludes on Monday at 23:00
