David Tennant has narrated Comic Relief: Kids In Camps, a powerful documentary following the lives of children affected by the civil war in South Sudan. The show aired on BBC One at 10.45pm last night (Tuesday 10th March), and David's narration was not announced beforehand.
The programme is available to watch via BBC iPlayer here.
Comic Relief 2015: Kids In Camps
Following the South Sudanese civil war, over 1.5 million
people have been displaced from their homes. South Sudan is now facing a famine
which, it is predicted, could result in the deaths of over 50,000 children.
This documentary follows the lives of children living in the harsh conditions
of temporary camps in South Sudan and refugee camps in northern Uganda.
Grace and sister Anna were forced to run for their lives
from their home. Grace goes to extraordinary lengths to get an education,
risking her life travelling to Kenya in search of a new school. John's father
was killed fighting in the Sudanese army, and John and his mother fled to a
refugee camp in Uganda. John's mother is forced to return to their home in
Juba, and John is left alone. Scovia was forced to flee her town of Nimule
following rumours of an imminent rebel attack. Now living in a new refugee settlement,
she talks about her struggles as she adjusts to the harsh conditions in the
What does it mean for a child when your life is torn apart
by war and famine - when you are forced to leave home with no idea of when, or
if, return is ever going to be possible? This film gives a heart-wrenching and
personal glimpse into these children's lives and tells their inspiring, moving
stories through their own words.
If you watched the documentary and want to make a difference to the lives of children like those featured in the programme, you can by donating to Comic Relief. With your support Comic Relief can give kids in camps the chance to be children once again: to be educated, to play, to live without fear.
To donate call 03457 910 910 or click here to give online
The biennial charity event Red Nose Day takes place this year on Friday 13th March and Comic Relief hope to break all fundraising records during the live marathon show. Money raised goes to help people in need both in the UK and around the world.
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