Before the premiere of season 2 of Broadchurch on Giallo in Italy, viewers are being given a chance to go back to where it all began and revisit season 1.
Over the next month Giallo will repeat the original series, two episodes per week. The series follows two detectives, the newly arrived Alec Hardy (David Tennant) and local sergeant Ellie Miller (Olivia Colman) in the hunt for the killer of a local boy.
Broadchurch - 1' Stagione
Ep.1 - 21:05
Proprio quando Alec Hardy viene promosso ispettore, la sua
citta', Broadchurch, viene scossa da un delitto orribile: qualcuno ha ucciso un
Ep.2 - 22:00
I detective Hardy e Miller indagano sulla morte
dell'undicenne trovato sulla spiaggia, consapevoli che la scena del crimine e'
un'altra. Intanto i genitori del bambino non riescono a reagire...
Broadchurch – Series 1
Ep.1 - 21:05
Just as Alec Hardy is promoted to Inspector, his town,
Broadchurch, is shaken by a horrible crime: someone has killed a child.
Ep.2 - 22:00
As detectives Hardy and Miller investigate the death of the
eleven-year old found on the beach, they are made aware that the crime occurred
in another place. Meanwhile, the child's parents do not know how to react ...
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