BELGIUM: Gracepoint Starring David Tennant Continues On La Une

Gracepoint, the ten-part murder mystery starring David Tennant and Anna Gunn, continues on La Une in Belgium tonight with episodes 3 and 4. The American remake of the award-winning UK drama Broadchurch follows the investigation into the murder of a young boy in a small coastal town where anyone could be a suspect.

La Une, 19th February 2015

Episode 3, 20:30
L'enquête sur le meurtre du jeune Danny Solano prend son envol. Son père, Mark, est sous pression après avoir menti. Gemma de son côté , va révéler un secret aux détectives...

Episode 4, 21:20

La liste des suspects potentiels du meurtre de Danny Solano s'allonge au fur et à mesure de l'enquête. Le détective Emmett Carver est lui-même sous pression pour avoir gardé pour lui des éléments importants l'empêchant de conclure l'enquête...

Episode 3, 20:30
The investigation into the murder of the young Danny Solano gathers momentum. His father, Mark, comes under pressure after lying. Gemma meanwhile reveals a secret to the detectives ...

Episode 4, 21:20
The list of potential suspects in the murder of Danny Solano is growing as the investigation proceeds. Detective Emmett Carver detective himself is under pressure to to keep to himself important elements that could prevent him from closing the case...
