Episode 2 of the BBC legal drama The Escape Artist airs on YLE TV1 in Finland tonight. David Tennant stars as barrister Will Burton whose life is turned apside down after he takes on the defense of the accused in a brutal murder case. The programme airs in Finland under the title Pahan Vanki (Prisoner Of Evil).
Pahan Vanki
YLE TV1, 21:55
Burtonin perheen onni on raunioina. Will joutuu katsomaan sivusta kun kollega puolustaa miestä, joka on tuhonnut hänen elämänsä. Riittävätkö todisteet nyt tuomitsemaan psykopaatin lailla käyttäytyvän epäillyn?
The Escape Artist
YLE TV1, 21:55
The Burton family is in ruins. Will has to look at things from the other side when his colleague agrees to defend the man who has ruined his life. But is there sufficient evidence to prove that the suspect is a psychopath?
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