The David Tennant narrated nature series, Penguins: Spy In The Huddle continues with episode 2 airing on PBS at 8pm ET tonight.
Episode 2: First Steps
Watched by spycams, newborn emperor penguins in Antarctica are seen walking on their mothers' feet and taking their own first unsteady steps. On the Falklands, rockhopper chicks meet their unruly and predatory neighbors while eggcams provide unique views of the colony. In Peru, Humboldt chicks take on fur seals and take aim at gulls.
The three-part series, featuring a voice over from David, deploys 50 spycams to record many first-time images of penguin behavior
After broadcast, the episodes will be available for online streaming at
Episode 2 of Penguins: Spy in the Huddle, A Nature Special Presentation premieres Wednesday, October 1, The series concludes October 8 from 8-9pm ET on PBS (check local listings).
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