SPAIN: Broadchurch Starring David Tennant Continues On Antena 3 Tonight

The award winning UK drama Broadchurch continues on Antena 3 tonight. David Tennant and Olivia Colman play detectives Alec Hardy and Ellie Miller as they continue their search for the killer of local boy Danny Latimer in a sleepy seaside town.  

Antena 3
Capítulo 6, 22.40
El otoño ha comenzado y, a pesar del paso de los meses, los habitantes de Broadchurch siguen sin saber quién asesinó a Danny Latimer. En la comisaría, Alec Hardy y Ellie Miller trabajan bajo una presión enorme. Pero la falta de nuevas pistas o testigos dificulta el avance de la investigación. Por si fuera poco, el personal asignado al caso ha caído drásticamente. Con el asesino en libertad, a Ellie le cuesta mucho recuperar su vida normal, pues ya no sabe en quien confiar.
Paul Coates, el párroco local, está ahora en el punto de mira de los agentes. Hardy quiere averiguar qué relación tiene con Tom Miller y a qué dedica su tiempo libre. Quiere saber qué secretos esconde el cura y por qué tiene un comportamiento extraño durante las noches.

Antena 3 
Episode 6, 22.40 
Autumn has arrived and, despite the passage of some months, the residents of Broadchurch still do not know who killed Danny Latimer. At the police station, Alec Hardy and Ellie Miller are under immense pressure. But the lack of new leads or witnesses has slowed the progress of the investigation. As if that were not enough, the number of officers assigned to the case has fallen dramatically. With the murderer still on the loose, Ellie has a hard time getting back to her everyday life, as she no longer knows who to trust. 
Paul Coates, the local minister, is now the focus of the investigation. Hardy wants to find out how he is connected to Tom Miller and how he spends his free time. He wants to know what secrets the priest is hiding and why he behaves so strangely at night.
