Watch the final part of The Escape Artist starring
David Tennant on DR2 in Denmark this afternoon. The legal thriller, written by
David Wolstencroft for the BBC, is airing under the title Den perfekte
forbrydelse (The Perfect Crime). David plays Will Burton, a defence
barrister who is forced to take drastic action to protect his family from a
serial killer whose release he himself secured. The episode airs today at 15.15
and also stars Toby Kebbell, Sophie Okonedo and Tony Gardner.
Den perfekte forbrydelse
DR2, 15:15 kl.
Retssagen mod advokaten Will Burtons kones morder
fortsætter. Ét for ét piller forsvareren Maggie beviserne mod Foyle fra
hinanden. Foyle bliver frikendt. Kan Will finde en anden måde at lade
retfærdigheden ske fyldest på?
The Escape Artist
DR2, 15:15
The trial of the killer of lawyer Will Burton's wife's continues.
Bit by bit defence barrister Maggie pulls the evidence against Foyle apart.
Foyle will be acquitted. Can Will find another way to bring him to justice?
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