Doctor Who: The Eleventh Doctor From Titan Comics - Review And Preview

The second issue of the new Titan Comics Eleventh Doctor adventures will be available in comic book stores and online from Wednesday September 10th.

The story was written by Al Ewing with artwork by Simon Fraser and Gary Caldwell with regular cover art by Alice X. Zhang. The Doctor has promised his newest companion Alice Obiefune a memorable first trip in the TARDIS, but thanks to a slight overshoot the travellers find themselves at an unexpected landing site: not the unspoiled paradise that they were aiming for but instead a cash-strapped, industrial dystopia. The TARDIS chooses to take them to at a theme park that is not, contrary to first impressions, all fun and games. Fraser imagines Rokhandi World with a garish glee that is just the right side of grotesque, while Ewing's script captures the Eleventh Doctor that we know so well from Matt Smith's portrayal - mercurial, ridiculous, childish, but with an underlying current of fearsome darkness. The Doctor, as usual, finds trouble straightway and and realises that there is something off-kilter with this apparently perfect venue. It isn't long before he's uncovered the secret behind Rokhandi World - and he's not happy with what he sees! Meanwhile, the clever, resourceful Alice is on hand again, not only to save the Doctor but also to get him to see reason when his hearts seem to be getting the better of his head.

The story works perfectly well as a stand-alone adventure; however it is made clear that the episode is going to be just part of a bigger timey-wimey arc. More than one character refers to previously encountering, and being bettered by, the Doctor and Alice. And we still do not have an explanation to the mysterious figure in Time Lord garb that the Doctor glimpsed watching him from a doorway in the first issue. It also appears that the Doctor's actions on Rokhandi are going to have further-reaching consequences - but readers are going to have to wait another month to find out what that might mean.

Doctor Who: The Eleventh Doctor #2
When the Doctor last visited Rokhandi, it was a planet of such stunning natural beauty that an entire solar system had sworn to preserve it. What better place to take new companion Alice Obiefune on her first off-world adventure?
And it would have been a magical vacation… if the TARDIS hadn’t overshot by fifty years. Now the austerity-hit pleasure planet has become a ‘theme safari’ corporate hell, overrun by eerie, giant-headed mascots and a trillion tramping tourist feet!
But there’s something more sinister at play than rampant commercialism and ecological devastation… and the Doctor and Alice need to uncover all of Rokhandi’s long-buried secrets if they’re to escape with their lives!

Writer Al Ewing (Loki: Agent of Asgard) and artist Simon Fraser (Grindhouse) request that you have a nice day, whichever system you’re from. We hope to SERVE YOU again in the future!

Check out some preview pages here:

 Look out too for special variant covers from participating retailers

To buy your copy:
USA: Buy through Hastings stores  or Barnes & Noble
UK: buy through Forbidden Planet - store will also ship worldwide
Buy as a digital download through ComiXology

Issue #2 of the Tenth Doctor adventures was released on August 27th - click here for information
