DENMARK: The Politician's Husband Airs On DR2 Tonight

David Tennant's three part drama The Politician's Husband (Politikerens mand) airs tonight on DR2 in Denmaek. The series looks at what happens in a political marriage when the wife becomes more powerful than her formerly successful husband. The series also stars Emily Watson, Roger Allam and Ed Stoppard.

Politikerens mand
DR2, Onsdag 17 september
Hvad sker der, hvis en kvindelig politiker får større succes end sin mand? Aiden og Freya Hoynes er britisk politiks gyldne par. Da Aiden forsøger at kuppe sig til posten som partileder, giver det dog bagslag. Aiden mister sin ministerpost, mens hans kone til gengæld bliver ny minister. Freya er trådt ud af Aidens skygge, men nu står hun over for et svært valg. Skal hun støtte sin mands synspunkter eller følge sine egne ambitioner?

The Politician's Husband
DR2, Wednesday 17th September
What happens if a female politician is more successful than her husband? Aiden and Freya Hoynes are the golden couple of British politics. When Aiden tries to challenge for the post of party leader, this backfires. Aiden loses his ministerial post, while his wife, in turn, is newly appointed Minister. Freya has stepped out of Aidens shadow, but now she is faced with a difficult choice. Should she support her husband's views or follow her own ambitions?

The series continues on Wednesday nights.
