VIDEO: David Tennant Narrates Appeal Video For Comic Relief

While everyone enjoys the hugely successful biennial Red Nose Day TV fundraisers, it's important to remember that the organisers, Comic Relief continue to support people in need every day.

Comic Relief is a major charity based in the UK, with a vision of a just world, free from poverty. Along with sister organisation Sport Relief they aim to give help to organisations and projects for people in need both in the UK and abroad. The televised Red Nose Day and Sport Relief marathons are supported by comedians, actors, TV personalities and athletes, and David Tennant has visited Africa twice to film appeal footage for the shows. 

Just to remind us all about what they do, Comic Relief have uploaded a clip of David narrating the story of Silas, a young boy in Africa who is able to see for the first time thanks to an operation costing just a few pounds. The clip was filmed during David's 2010 clip to Africa and originally shown by Sightsavers in 2011. Since then your donations continue to restore the sight of children like Silas across Africa.

Comic Relief say, “We work tirelessly all year round to help make our vision a reality. And in the years since we started out in 1985, with the support of some remarkable people, we’ve achieved amazing things and raised over £950 million.”

To find out more visit the Comic Relief website
