German actor and voice artiste Philipp Brammer was tragically found dead earlier today in the Berchtesgaden mountains near Munich. The 44-year old star had been reported missing by his wife after he failed to return from a climbing trip on Monday but the search for him had been hampered by poor weather in the area. He is believed to have died following a fall.
The former star of German soap Lindenstraße, Herr Brammer was well known among Doctor Who fans as the voice of the Tenth Doctor and played a big part in making David Tennant's take on the character popular in Germany. He provided the German voiceover for all of David's episodes including the specials and most recently The Day Of The Doctor. He also overdubbed David's role of Peter Vincent in the 2011 movie Fright Night. A versatile and prolific voice actor, Herr Brammer was additionally the German voice of Jason Priestley (90201), Martin Freeman (Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy) and Ewan Bremner (Trainspotting) among many more.
Björn Korthof, who let us know the sad news today, told us, "I had the honour of personally getting to know him and found
him to be a very friendly and supportive person, who had a big heart and was
one of the most professional and dedicated actors I ever worked with in my
Our thoughts are with Philipp Brammer's family.
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