RADIO: Love Virtually Starring David Tennant & Emilia Fox Airs On BBC Radio 4 Today

Can two people who have never come face to face fall in love? Find out later today with David Tennant and Emilia Fox when the 2012 romantic audio drama Love Virtually is repeated on BBC Radio 4. Adapted from the novel by Austrian writer Daniel Glattauer, the drama unfolds through emails sent between protagonists Emmi Rothner and Leo Leike.

Afternoon Drama: Love Virtually
BBC Radio 4, 2.15pm
Emmi Rothner and Leo Leike "meet" when Emmi mistakenly sends an e-mail to Leo's inbox. A romance ensues that allows them to live out a shared secret life far removed from their day-to-day existences. But to what extent does it rely on fantasy and escapism, and will it survive a real-life meeting?

The problem is...Emmi (a modern Madame Bovary) is married....

Have email, Facebook, texting and the like created a generation of isolated young people who prefer to communicate remotely - who may be in fact afraid to engage in face to face contact to find love? Is it possible to fall in love with someone you've never met? Does a virtual affair 'count' as adultery? What are the implications of the fact that we can pretend to be anyone in cyberspace?

Love Virtually is adapted by Eileen Horne and produced by Clive Brill: a Pacificus Production for BBC Radio 4.
