A German edition of the novelisation of Broadchurch is to be released next month and is available for pre-order now. The book is based on the multi-award winning UK series which followed the impact of the murder of a young boy in a small seaside town.
The German release, entitled Broadchurch: Der Mörder unter uns (Broadchurch: The Killer Amongst Us) is translated by Irmengard Gabler from the original English novel written by Erin Kelly and Chris Chibnall and will be released in paperback on August 21st. A Kindle edition will also be available on the same day, as will an audio CD read by Peter Lontzek. The book promises additional material to that seen in the televised version and greater insight into the thoughts and motives of the characters.
Click here to pre-order now
Broadchurch: Der Mörder unter uns
Danny Latimer war elf Jahre, als er starb. Sterben musste.
Seine Leiche fand man unten am Kliff. Bei ihren Ermittlungen stoßen Ellie
Miller und Alec Hardy in dem kleinen Ort Broadchurch an der englischen Südküste
auf mehr Verdächtige, als ihnen lieb ist. Dannys
Vater hat kein Alibi für die Tatzeit. Wo war er in dieser
Nacht? Dannys Freund hat sämtliche Nachrichten von seinem PC und Handy
gelöscht. Worum ging es da? Der Zeitungsverkäufer, die unfreundliche Frau im
Trailerpark, der Postbote – sie alle haben etwas zu verbergen. Aber was? Als
die Wahrheit ans Licht kommt, ist in Broadchurch nichts mehr, wie es einmal
war. Wer ist der Mörder von Danny Latimer?
Broadchurch: The Official Novel
Danny Latimer was eleven years old when he died. Had to die.
His body was found at the bottom of the cliff. During their investigation Detectives Ellie Miller and Alec Hardy encounter more suspects than they would like in the small town of Broadchurch on the south coast. Danny's father has no alibi for the time of the crime. Where was he
that night? Danny's friend has deleted all the messages from his PC and mobile
phone. Why was that? The newsagent, the rude woman in the trailer park,
the postman - they all have something to hide. But what? When the truth comes
to light in Broadchurch, nothing is as once it was. Who is the killer of
Danny Latimer?
German TV fans are still eagerly awaiting the TV premiere of the drama starring David Tennant and Olivia Colman, due on SAT.1 later this year.
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