PRE ORDER: TITANS Doctor Who Regeneration Set

Celebrate the world's favourite space-and-time-travelling adventurer with this unique collaboration between the BBC and Titan Merchandise - a multiverse of figures to collect!

This set features every numbered Doctor, including the 12th Doctor, as they look in their first (and in one case last) appearances!

These great figures are supplied as a 20 figure 'Counter Display Case'. Guaranteeing you'll receive ALL of the core TITANS designs in each wave and up to two of the rare chase figures.

Plus, also included in the set is The Doctor’s Wife River Song – ‘Hello Sweetie’!

Each figure is 3" blind-boxed and some come with a character specific accessory.

PLUS: 4 hidden chase figures for you to hunt! 

Full set: Pre order from Forbidden Planet here - Shipping from November 2014

Individual figures: Pre order from Forbidden Planet here
