Last night was the first of a two night David Tennant cinema event in the USA. It was so exciting to turn up at my local theater and see all of the Doctor Who cosplayers ready to watch the epic Doctor Who two parter - Rise Of The Cybermen and The Age Of Steel as part of the David Tennant cinema event organised by Fathom Events. Huge posters of David as the Tenth Doctor hung in the lobby and the atmosphere was electric.
The episodes were seamlessly spliced together The colour of the film and the sound was even better on a cinema screen and it really felt like a proper made for cinema movie.The audiences reactions were so in sync, we all laughed together got scared together and got sad together. It was a really great experience.
As our evening began we were treated to a brief recorded introduction from David Tennant.
His smiling face filled the giant cinema screen as he told us about how excited he was that this great episode was being shown in cinemas.
Following the screening of the film we were treated to an interview with David which he had recorded during filming for Gracepoint.
You can watch the full interview below courtesy of You Tube user Sunshinegurl332