ITALY: Broadchurch Continues On Giallo Tonight

The gripping UK crime drama Broadchurch continues tonight on Italian TV as two more episodes air on Giallo. David Tennant, Olivia Colman and Arthur Darvill star in the award-winning series which follows the impact of a shocking murder on a small seaside community


Episode 5
Giallo, 21.05
Hardy ed Ellie subiscono forti pressioni per via dei loro mancati progressi nel caso. Miller nota una discrepanza nelle prove fornite da Jack Marshall mentre un articolo dell'Herald implica che Marshall possa essere un molestatore.

Episode 6
Giallo, 22.00
Considerate la mancanza di prove e piste da seguire, Hardy riceve l'ordine di mettere da parte le indagini. Tuttavia quando la città si riunisce per omaggiare la memoria di Danny, un nuovo sospettato viene allo scoperto.

Episode 5
Giallo, 21:05
Hardy and Ellie are under severe pressure over their lack of progress in the case. Miller notes a discrepancy in the evidence provided by Jack Marshall while a Herald article implies that Marshall could be a child molester.

Episode 6
Giallo, 22:00
Due to the lack of evidence and leads, Hardy receives the order to wind down the investigation. However, when the town comes together to pay homage to the memory of Danny, a new suspect is revealed.

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